Thursday, 18 June 2015

The Healing Powers of Ayurveda

Ayurveda: The Healing Powers of Ayurveda

Ayurveda groups the five elements of nature into three basic body types – Vata, Pitta & Kapha and uses ingredients from nature in formulations to correct the balances and bring about health and wellness. Listed below is a cheat sheet to help you understand this concept.
Kapha – The Earth & Water Element
Hair type: Oily, thick and wavy hair 
Skin type: Thick, smooth and moist.
People classified as kapha are easygoing, relaxed, slow-paced and tend to be overweight. They are affectionate and loving, forgiving and compassionate. They have an essentially undemanding approach to life. These people are prone to colds and congestion, sinus and headaches as well as to asthma and allergies. Ayurveda recommends drying, stimulating oils to treat them.

Pitta – Fire & Water Element
Hair type: Thin, fine hair prone to premature greying
Skin Type: Soft & Warm, prone to acne and sunburn
They have a medium physique, but are strong and well-built. They possess a sharp mind, good concentration powers and are orderly and focused. People with pitta classification are assertive and self-confident, passionate and romantic. They have a strong digestion and a strong appetite; are uncomfortable in the sun or hot weather and are subject to temper tantrums, impatience and anger. Ayurveda recommends cooling, calming oils for them.   

Vata – The Air & Space Element
Hair type: Dry, Brittle, Frizzy      
Skin type: Dry, Rough, Thin
Vata people are creative, quick to learn but also quick to forget. They are generally slender, tall and fast-walkers. They tend to have cold hands and feet and are uncomfortable in cold climates. These people are excitable, lively and have fun personalities with changeable moods. They have irregular daily routines, high energy in short bursts and they tend to tire easily when they overexert themselves. Full of joy and enthusiasm when in balance, they tend not to respond well to stress, fear, worry and anxiety. Ayurveda recommends the use of grounding and warming oils for this type.

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