Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Environmental Ethics and Environmental Philosophy


Environmental Ethics and Environmental Philosophy

Environment ethics has produced around environmental philosophy. Many scientists have taken up the belief of philosophical aspect of environmental hazards thus giving rise to environment ethics. Currently environment ethics has become the major concern for the mankind.
Image result for environmental ethics

Industrialization has given way to pollution and ecological imbalance. If an industry is causing such problem, it is not only the duty of that industry but all the human being to make up for the losses. But how long an artificial and restored environment will able to sustain? Will it be able to take the place of the natural resources? Environmentalists are trying to find answers to these difficult questions and all these together are termed as environment ethics.
It is the responsibility of all to ensure that environmental ethics are being met. It is somewhat difficult to make adjustments that are necessary to ensure that you are following all environmental ethics.
Ethics plays an important role in our society today, and environmental ethics and business ethics must be considered. This has become more prevalent in today’s society.
Both oil and coal are bad, but not only for the environment, but for all living creatures, including plants and animals. Both are highly toxic in their natural raw state. They pollute the air and ground and water, and whether or not they are helping to create these natural disasters should be irrelevant. They are both finite, and will not last forever, and the sooner we rid ourselves of the need for these two demons, the better. While oil and coal companies continue to promote their products, and the best yet is clean coal, which is an unethical definition of something that just isn’t possible, their ethics come into question, especially environmental ethics. Most of the worlds ills are derived from both of these, with oil spills, mining accidents, fires, and now climate change and global warming


Environmental Ethics
Environmental ethics is the discipline in philosophy that studies the moral relationship of human beings to, and also the value and moral status of, the environment and its nonhuman contents.
Environmental Ethics & Human Values
Environmental ethics is the philosophical discipline that considers the moral and ethical relationship of human beings to the environment. In other words: what, if any, moral obligation does man have to the preservation and care of the non-human world?
Environmental ethics helps define man's moral and ethical obligations toward the environment. But human values become a factor when looking at environmental ethics. Human values are the things that are important to individuals that they then use to evaluate actions or events. In other words, humans assign value to certain things and then use this assigned value to make decisions about whether something is right or wrong. Human values are unique to each individual because not everyone places the same importance on each element of life.
For example, a person living in poverty in an undeveloped country may find it morally acceptable to cut down the forest to make room for a farm where he can grow food for his family. However, a person in a developed country may find this action morally unacceptable because the destruction of forests increases carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, which can negatively impact the environment.
Environmental ethics, along with human values, make for challenging philosophical debates about man's interaction with the environment. Water and air pollution, the depletion of natural resources, loss of biodiversity, destruction of ecosystems, and global climate change are all part of the environmental ethics debate. And we see that within the discipline of environmental ethics there are tough ethical decisions humans must consider.


YOGI Ramsuratkumar

The Godchild of
Tiruvannamalai (Amarakaviyam).
Parthasarathy writes,

‘Without adopting any rituals and not leaning on any traditional conditioned customs of the religion, Ram Surat Kunwar braved his path with the pure faith upon his Guru and reached the other shore safely. Mysterious were the ways of the Masters who worked on him and brought him to Tiruvannamalai for the sake of his children who should also cross this mighty ocean of
Without preaching any conventional religious practices, Yogi asked the people to remember his own Name which would evolve them to the highest Spiritual State

An advice for other aspirants on this path,

“All your tapas and efforts would make you reach Guru’s Feet. Thereafter you need not bother about your spiritual growth. The Guru will take care of you. The Guru will see that you reach God. Even if you want to escape from the Guru, the Guru will not leave you. Like a frog in the mouth of a King Cobra, the disciple cannot escape from Guru. The only thing the disciple should do is remember the Guru and the Guru Mantra all the time. That is sufficient. Do not try to practice any method to reach God. Remember your Guru. That’s enough. Once you reach your Guru your sadhana efforts end here. Listen to your Guru and have faith in our Guru. Your Guru would take the responsibility of you and take you where you ought to reach. After reaching Guru’s feet, you need not worry about your spiritual growth. Just remember my Name. That is enough.” - Yogi



Yogi Ramsuratkumar was an Indian saint and mystic. He was also referred to as "Visiri samiyar" and spent most of his post enlightenment period in Thiruvanamalai, a small town in Tamil Nadu which is famous for attracting spiritual seekers worldwide and has had a continuous lineage of enlightened souls. He acknowledges the contribution of three of the most well known saints of his time in his evolution to enlightenment. These individuals were Sri Aurobindo, the founder of Integral yoga, Ramana Maharishi, one of the "spiritual superman" of his time, and Papa Ramdas, Yogi's eventual guru.
He always used to say"Father alone exists. Nothing else. Nobody else.
In 1952 he became aware of Mahanirvan of Sri Aurobindo and Ramana Maharishi. To get answers for his questions in the course of his search for truth,he rushed to Ananda Ashram, Kanhangad, where His Guru, Papa Ramdas, initiated him with the Mantra 'Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram.' Repeating 'Rama Mantra' all the time for one week he merged with Brahman, the one and only existence.


“Be the change you want to see in the world” Mahatma Gandhi
When so many healthy options are available, the food and beverages that we choose to eat and drink, both in quantity and quality have created an incredibly toxic environment for the earth, the animals, and for our body and mind
Diseases such as obesity, cancer, thyroid disorders, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, autism, attention deficit disorders, have skyrocketed in recent years.  We like to think of ourselves as being so “advanced”, world leaders, but the truth is that we are losing not just our wealth and our freedom but our health and our credibility as a nation.
As the organic movement gathered steam, food marketers manipulated our expectations of healthier foods by deceitfully increasing the use of words such as “lite”,” lighter” or “less fat” or “fat free”, or “simple” and “simply” and the big one “healthy” on the labels. There are no health standards for those claims


Values are essential to ethics. Ethics is concerned with human actions, and the choice of those actions. Ethics evaluates those actions, and the values that underlies them. It determines which values should be pursued, and which shouldn't. Ethics is a code of values.
Virtues are pre-thought out methods for achieving your values. This means that with rational virtues, acting virtuous leads to a happy and successful life.
One's interests should not be confused with one's desires. A desire is that which you wish to achieve or acquire. A desire can be subjective or irrational. One's interests, though, are objective facts of reality. They don't state what you want to achieve. They state what you should achieve to promote your life.

The virtue of Rationality means the recognition and acceptance of reason as one's only source of knowledge, one's only judge of values and one's only guide to action.  It means a commitment to the principle that all of one's convictions, values, goals, desires and actions must be based on, derived from, chosen and validated by a process of thought.

Understanding Ethics in daily life


       A proper foundation of ethics requires a standard of value to which all goals and actions can be compared to. This standard is our own lives, and the happiness which makes them livable. This is our ultimate standard of value, the goal in which an ethical man must always aim.

·       Life as the moral standard
·       Morality is a guide to living
·       Reason is man’s means of survival
·       Values
·       Virtue
·       Self interest
·       Harmony of interest