Friday, 29 January 2016


Food experts who have researched the benefits of brown rice say this rice releases sugar slowly and it has a balanced amount of nutrients like fibre, protein, iron, etc.

 Polished rice loses all major nutrients — iron, vitamins, zinc, magnesium among others — during the process of polishing at rice mills and this results in people eating only the “waste”  — the bagasse of rice, and thereby contract many diseases. 

 Image result for benefits of using hand pounded rice

The selenium present in hand-pound rice reduces the risk of serious illnesses like cancer of the large intestine, cardiac diseases and arthritis.  The high amount of magnesium keeps the nervous system healthy and helps fighting asthma.

Besides, it keeps cholesterol levels under control and as a result, helps to control body weight. The phytonutrients present in this rice keeps breast cancer away.

The fibre in this rice helps avoid Type II diabetes. Since hand-pound rice is whole grain with bran, it is easy to digest and it facilitates easier bowel movement, helping people avoid a major problem — constipation.

Sunday, 26 July 2015




Yoga practice helps develop the body and mind bringing a lot of health benefits yet is not a substitute for medicine. It is important to learn and practice yoga postures under the supervision of a trained Art of Living Yoga teacher

Why Start the Day With Surya Namaskar?
Surya Namaskar postures are energizing, meditative and relaxing. They also make the body flexible and improve blood circulation. A better blood circulation helps in prevention of hair greying, hair fall and dandruff, and also improves overall hair growth. The vital internal organs also become more functional with better blood circulation. It also benefits our skeletal and digestive system, while balancing body’s tri-doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Why Should Children Do Surya Namaskar?
Surya Namaskar calms the mind and helps improves concentration. Today, children face a cut-throat competition and should adopt Surya Namaskar in their daily schedule as it boosts endurance power and reduces the feeling of anxiety and restlessness, especially during exams. Regular practice of Surya Namaskar gives strength and vitality to the body. For future athletes it is the best workout to strengthen muscles and it also improves flexibility in spine and in limbs. Children as young as 5-year-olds can start doing Surya Namaskar daily.
Why Should Women Do Surya Namaskar?
It is said that Surya Namaskar can do what months of dieting cannot. Hence, it’s a blessing for health-conscious women as it not only helps lose extra calories, but it offers an easy and inexpensive way to be in proper shape by stretching the abdominal muscles naturally. Some of the Sun Salutation poses help lose extra fat on belly by stimulating sluggish glands like the thyroid gland (which has a big effect on our weight) to increase hormonal secretions. Regularly practicing Surya Namaskar can regulate irregular menstrual cycles among women and also ensure an easy childbirth. Last but not the least; it helps in bringing back the glow on your face, preventing onset of wrinkles and making it ageless and radiant.
Develop Your Sixth Sense With Sun Salutations
Our ancient rishis said that different Gods govern different organs of our body. The navel or solar plexus is said to be connected with the sun and that’s the reason why yogis recommend Surya Namaskar practice in the morning when Vitamin D-enriched sunrays fall on the solar plexus. With a regular practice of Surya Namaskar and meditation, the solar plexus increases from the size of an almond to the size of a palm. This expansion of solar plexus, also known as the second brain, develops our intuitive ability and makes us more clear and focussed. The contraction of the solar plexus, on the other hand, leads to depression and other negative tendencies.
The manifold benefits of Surya Namaskar help keep the body healthy and the mind calm. Thus, a regular practice of Surya Namaskar is highly recommended by all yoga experts. These Surya Namaskar tips can also help improve your practice and give better results.


Tuesday, 21 July 2015


 Many of us have the habit of waking up
to the sound of the alarm clock. When we are in deep sleep in the morning, when our entire body is sleeping peacefully and
calmly, suddenly we are forced to wake up when the alarm clock sounds loud. If our sleep is interrupted by the alarm clock in
this way, our body gets affected it gets a kind of tension. This tension will prevail in us throughout that day. Therefore, please do not use the alarm clock to wake up.

Just think. What would have happened if the alarm clock had not sounded? We would have slept for about two m o r e h o u r s .
What does this m e a n ? T h i s means that our body needs two
more hours of sleep. When our body needs more sleep, if we cut it short and wake up who will make up for that sleep? If we wake up every day using alarm clock and cut two or three hours of our sleeping time, after some time, we might be forced to go
into sleep forever.

So, please do not use the alarm clock.Some people may ask, “We have to get up early. How can we get up without using an
alarm clock?” We get and give lot of advice that we have to get up early in the morning.

But nobody advises that we have to go to bed early every night.
We can get up early in the morning only if we go to the bed early in the night. It is our mistake to do unnecessary things such as watching television, movies, etc. up to 1.00 am or 2.00 am in the night and then go to bed late. Why do you think that even if a person
goes to bed at 2.00 am in the night he should get up early in the morning? If a person goes to bed late he has to get up from the bed late only. According to the time by which we have to get up in the morning, we have to go to bed about 8 hours in advance.

Therefore, we have to understand that using an alarm clock is dangerous and we should use the alarm clock only occasionally,
that too only for emergency purposes and not on a daily basis.

There is a simple solution for those who have a lot of confusion in their mind and do not get sleep for a long time in the night. Rest
will be obtained only in a slow manner if we lie down and rest. But, if we sit and take rest,we will get rest fast.

T h o s e  w h o  d o n o t g e t s l e e p immediately after going to bed can try to sleep by sitting instead of lying down fully, by being in a slanting position, giving some support to our back and our head, closingthe eyes, calmly stretching the legs or folding the legs in a squatting position. If we sleep in a sitting posture, our mind and brain sort themselves out very quickly and we will
immediately get sleep.

 When children have diseasesor they keep crying when they not able to sleep, if we massage the crown of their head, they get calmed down and get sleep.The glands in the body concerned with sleeping can be made to secrete by slightly massaging the bone below our jaw using the ends of the three fingers other than the little finger and thumb of our hand.

You may observe that children who prepare for exams do not feel sleepy when they keep walking or sitting and study. But if they lie down on their stomach, keeping the two wrists as support to their jaws and study, they get sleep within half an hour.

Therefore, when you do not get sleep, if you lie down on your stomach, close your eyes, and keep the two wrists as support to the
jaws, you will start sleeping very soon.