Tuesday, 30 June 2015


What is the Social Ethic of Sharing?
·        Basically societies work on the principle of give and take. In other words sharing is inherent to human life.
·        By sharing something with a person who is in dire need of it you are starting a chain of good deeds which is bound to come back to you in some form or the other.
·        Sharing can imply not only physical and material things but can broadly involve sharing of emotions and moral support.
·        Thus the social ethic of sharing is crucial to meaningful interaction in society.
What are the factors that influence Social Ethics?

·        What is considered right or wrong by a society seems to be influenced by a number of factors and social ethics  such as religious beliefs, the economic conditions, social and cultural factors and so on.
·        Besides this, political and legislative bodies may influence what a society holds to be socially ethical.
·        For example issues such as abortion, euthanasia, death penalty and   animal cruelty have long been topics of debate in various societies.
·        Further the advance in science medicine and technology has given rise to a number of issues which may be a threat to the age-old social ethics.
·        For example, gene manipulation , artificial insemination, cloning etc have given rise to ethical questions which can disturb the equilibrium of a society.

What are the social ethics of living in a community?

·        Help and care are the foundation of any community. It is important to identify the need and decide how you can help the person. For example the poor in a community can be helped in a number of ways.
·        It could be in the form of personal help or seeking help for them through some voluntary organization.
·        Social ethics is all about understanding the obligations one has towards others in a community. Understandably social ethics is a complex topic and cannot be defined objectively. But generally any behavior that is largely considered right or good by large groups tend to be accepted by the society as a whole over a period of time.

How can one be Socially Accountable?

An individual is accountable not only to his loved ones in his family but in a large sense towards all those with whom he interacts in society.
·        They may include his friends, supervisors, co-workers among others. The idea is to generate mutual interests and trust avoiding deception of any kind.
·        Public trust can be earned by following the social ethics of help, responsibility, honesty, fairness and freedom.
·        Consequently it would be considered negative social ethics when one indulges in arrogance, dishonesty, irresponsibility and has conflicting interests.  

Monday, 29 June 2015




Ayurveda is a 5000 year old Indian medicine system that is getting ever more popular in the Western part of the world. It's a holistic system essentially aimed toward feeling well and living in harmony with yourself and your surroundings.

According to Ayurveda one of the most important means to achieve this is a balanced diet; not to be confused with the Crash-diets the Western culture is generally used to. Instead of leaving out all "bad" foods an Ayurvedic Diet means adjusting your cooking to go well with your person and will help you feel better in general and being able to cope better with the hurdles that everyday life may put in your way.


1.Basic clear out: Have a good look at your current diet and try getting less preservatives,artificial colors,chemicals. See how much frozen, fried or fermented foods are on your diet; do you think you could replace them with freshly cooked meals? Why not have baked potatoes instead of fries tonight?

2.Take your time: There should be some time in your schedule for your meals (not only eating but some time thereafter as well) where you can rest, enjoy and focus on your food without disturbance. How about some rays of sunshine and fresh air if your trapped in an office all day? Also a bit silence or relaxing music couldn't hurt. Of course this might look hard; of course you'd wish to have some time to eat unhurriedly but your schedule looks uncompromising. But think about it: Food is one of the most important factors to your health; by rushing it in you might save a little time now but you'll pay it back later in case you get sick. Besides it's amazing how a restful break can boost your efficiency. Considering your meals small highlights of the day instead of an annoying necessity you'll help yourself to pay them more attention, be aware of what you eat and what your body most needs rather than cramming in whatever is in closest reach. This way you'll effortlessly learn to listen to your body—and probably be surprised how often you want healthy fresh things more than the hot dog around the corner.
3.Find out what benefits you. Get familiar with the principle of "Gunas" Don't worry it's not difficult:
  • "Sattvic" foods: in general are the juicy, easy to digest, tasty, organic, freshly made – they stimulate a sharp and focused state of mind, so try and get some more of these.
  • "Rajasic" foods: are eggs, caffeine, chile, alcohol, garlic, high quality meat as well as fermented and freshly canned foods. We require them to realize out projects by supporting stamina and providing a decisive state of mind.
  • "Tamasic" foods: are e.g. leftovers, alcohol (long term effect), meat, mushrooms, onions and frozen as well as fermented foods. They plenty of a lot of energy to digest and give us the need to finish a project and rest; possibly they can put the mind in a lackluster state. That said, they're really not "bad" but in our current culture we're usually already getting enough of them so try and cut back on their intake.
4.Understand yourself: Eventually it's usually helpful to get counsel from an Ayurvedic practitioner to tackle your more subtle imbalances. If you don't have one close to you try learning as much as you can about yourself by observation: yourself should know what is best for you but you possibly have to learn how to listen to your body.
5. As a starting point why not trying to find out your personal constitutional type? You could take a so called "Dosha Test" to see which Doshas are most dominant in your constitution. Whilst discovering Ayurveda you'll see that the majority of the ideas are categorised for the sake of learning, but always be mindful that in reality everything is interrelated and the transitions between one state and another are seamless.

6.Fine-tune: Once you're at a point where you have a reasonably good awareness of the general things that agree with you, give you an energetic and positive feeling, support you you could start and try fine-tuning your diet so that it assists your personal type as well. You can do this by skillfully spicing your foods in line with your Doshas, finding or creating recipes specially for your type or simply adjusting the things you eat a little more to include more of what's good for you personally.

7.Take it easy. No-one has to be perfect. Don't start categorizing foods in good and bad drawers—Ayurveda is not about excelling in a healthy diet and/or lifestyle. It's about living in harmony with yourself and your environment. If you wanted you could always adjust and tweak things here and there, but this way it's too easy to get lost in details and losing the vision for the big picture. Just continue listening to your body, it will tell you what needs to be adjusted.

Monday, 22 June 2015


Microbially-unsafe water is still a major concern in most developing countries. Although many water-purification methods exist, these are expensive and beyond the reach of many people, especially in rural areas.

Copper has a sterilising effect on water. It is particularly effective against diarrhoea causing bacteria like E Coli. So having water stored in copper vessels is naturally cleansed and purified.

Ayurveda recommends the use of copper for storing drinking-water. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of copper pot on microbially-contaminated drinking-water.
·        Kills bacteria
·        Regulates tyroid Function
·        Cures Arthritis Pain
·        Heals Wounds Faster
·        Stimulates Brain Activity
·        Improves Digestion
·        Beats Anemia
·        Good to use during Pregnancy
·        Protects Against Cancer
·        Slows Down Ageing Process- removes wrinkles in skin

The antibacterial effect of copper pot against important diarrhoeagenic bacteria, including Vibrio cholerae O1, Shigella flexneri 2a, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, enteropathogenic E. coli, Salmonella enterica Typhi, and Salmonella Paratyphi is reported.
When drinking-water (pH 7.83±0.4; source: ground) was contaminated with 500 CFU/mL of the above bacteria and stored in copper pots for 16 hours at room temperature, no bacteria could be recovered on the culture medium.
Providing safe drinking-water to the majority of the world's population, especially to those in developing countries, is still a major problem. Approximately a billion people lack access to safe drinking-water
(). Water and food contaminated with bacteria, viruses, and protozoa cause infectious diarrhoea. Diarrhoea is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity, especially in children of developing countries
() and claims two million lives each year
(). The major aetiological agents that account for over a million diarrhoeal deaths per year, particularly in developing countries, are enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), rotavirus, Vibrio cholerae, and species of Shigella, which are spread through contaminated water and food or from person to person.

Friday, 19 June 2015


Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages.

Before you tear into that bag of potato chips, drink a glass of water first. People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger, so you can end up eating extra calories when an ice-cold glass of water is really all you needed. If plain water doesn't cut it, try drinking flavored sparkling water or brewing a cup of fruit-infused herbal tea.

Can You Make Your Metabolism Better?

Boosting metabolism is the holy grail of weight watchers everywhere, but how fast your body burns calories depends on several things. Some people inherit a metabolism.
Men tend to burn more calories than women, even while resting.And for most people, metabolism slows steadily after age 40. Althoughyou can't control your age, gender, or genetics, there are other ways to improve your metabolism.

Eat More Fiber to reduce Stress
Fiber can help you feel fuller faster so you eat less and lose weight. Getting enough fiber also keeps you regular and is good for the heart. So in addition to the health benefits, getting enough fiber can result in fewer things to be stressed about! The good news is that fiber comes in many tasty forms, from oatmeal and whole-grain breads and cereals to fruits such as apples, citrus, and strawberries, and vegetables.



Ethical principles are defined in the dictionary as a set of principles leading to right judgment.  Using this definition, then Mother Teresa only had one overriding ethical principle and that is God:
Image result for mother teresa ethics 

The answer is not obvious to modern people as they did not understand Mother Theresa (as of 2013, she is Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, with another miracle, she will be St. Teresa of Calcutta) because they do not understand real Christianity. Blessed Theresa of Calcutta, a Catholic sister who entered the Sisters of Loretto in Ireland to become a teaching sister, was sent to India to teach. Later, moved with compassion, and the love of God, she received a "call" from God to help the poorest of the poor. The rest of her life was spent in "darkness" which I discuss below.

Mother Teresa helped others by loving God above all things, putting Him first in her life, and doing His Will no matter how painful it was for her, and it was very painful.

Mother spent most of her life in a dark night with no real feeling or personal knowledge of God. This is very common with the founders of religious orders, they are strong enough in their faith to make their way through life totally depend on Faith, Hope, and Charity: the three cardinal virtues bestowed on us in Baptism. 

She sacrificed herself completely for God, and was called a saint and a prophet for it.
Mother Theresa helped others the way we are all called to help others, by getting up in the morning, and taking some time to give to God first.

She spend an hour in Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, went to Holy Mass, received Our Blessed Lord in the Eucharist, and went to confession frequently, and regularly. And, then, when she had done these things, she went out and lived her faith by seeing her God in every individual in front of her, especially the poor, the sick, the aged, and the abandoned.
She served God by serving Him in them - which is nothing more nor less than she lived the Gospel with every breath in her body